Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Character Bios


Location(s): Thargelion, Estolad, Brethil

Race/Species: Man

Type/Kind: 1st Age Edain

Title(s): Lady Haleth

Dates: I 388 *(speculative)

Parents: Haldad

Siblings: Haldar

Spouse: None

Children: None

"Haleth was a woman of great heart and strength..."

"But Haleth was proud, and unwilling to be guided or ruled..."

"Haleth remained their chief while her days lasted, but she did not wed, and the headship afterwards passed to Haldan son of Haldar her brother."

"But at last Haldad was slain in a sortie against the Orcs; and Haldar, who rushed out to save his father;s body from their butchery, was hewn down beside him. Then Haleth held the people together, though they were without hope; and some cast themselves in the rivers and were drowned.......Caranthir with his host came down from the north and drove the Orcs into the rivers.
Then Caranthir looked kindly upon Men and did Haleth great honour; and he offered her recompense for her father and brother....But Haleth was proud, and unwilling to be guided or ruled."

"And Haleth dwelt in Brethil until she died; and her people raised a green mound over her in the heights of the forest, Tûr Haretha, the Lady-barrow, Haudh-en-Arwen in the Sindarin tongue."
Silmarillion, Ch 17, Of the Coming of Men into the West

*Note that the birthdate is for 'Haleth the Hunter' who disappeared in Tolkien's legendarium in favor of 'the Lady Haleth.'

Loquacious 04.25.03,
Lyllyn 5.3.03,
Anglachel - 12.11.03
Iel_o_Thorongil - 04.12.05

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