Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Timeline Event

Háma, Captain of the King's Guard, slain in the Battle of the Hornburg

Event Type: Genealogical

Age: 3rd Age - Ring War

Date: March 4, 3019

An event in the Battle of the Hornburg; see that entry for an overview:

In a grave alone under the shadow of the Hornburg lay Háma, captain of the King's guard. He fell before the Gate.

The Two Towers, LoTR Book 3, Ch 8, The Road to Isengard

... Théoden mourned for the loss of Háma, his captain, and cast the first earth upon his grave. 'Great injury indeed has Saruman done to me and all this land,' he said; 'and I will remember it, when we meet.'

The Two Towers, LoTR Book 3, Ch 8, The Road to Isengard

[Said Théoden,] 'And they hewed Háma's body before the gates of the Hornburg, after he was dead. When you hang from a gibbet at your window for the sport of your own crows, I will have peace with you and Orthanc.'

The Two Towers, LoTR Book 3, Ch 10, The Voice of Saruman

Elena Tiriel 11Jan05, 28Jan05

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