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Timeline Event

Éomer becomes Third Marshal of the Mark

Event Type: Genealogical

Age: 3rd Age - The Stewards

Year: 3017

Éomer Éadig. When still young he became a Marshal of the Mark (3017) and was given his father's charge in the east marches.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: The House of Eorl

[Said Éomer,] '... war is coming. ... The East-mark is my charge, the ward of the Third Marshal, and I have removed all our herds and herdfolk, withdrawing them beyond Entwash, and leaving none here but guards and swift scouts.'

The Two Towers, LoTR Book 3, Ch 2, The Riders of Rohan

Marshal of the Mark (or Riddermark) was the highest military rank and the title of the King's lieutenants (originally three), commanders of the royal forces of fully equipped and trained Riders. ... The Second and Third Marshals were assigned commands according to the needs of the time. In the beginning of the year 3019 the threat from Saruman was the most urgent, and the Second marshal, ... Théodred, had command over the West-mark ... the Third Marshal, the King's nephew Éomer, had as his ward the East-mark with his base at his home, Aldburg in the Folde.

Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Ch 5, The Battles of the Fords of Isen: Appendix

Elena Tiriel 1Feb05

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