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Research Library A- Z Index

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Characters: 21 characters found

Places: 44 places found

Things: 39 things found

Events: 121 things found

1st Age
0457: Sauron captures Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion
0538: Ruin of the Havens of Sirion
2nd Age - Pre-Rings
0500: Sauron reawakens in Middle-earth
0521: Silmariën of Númenor born
1000: Sauron begins to build the Barad-dûr
1174: Tar-Súrion of Númenor born
1200: Sauron makes overtures to the Elves in Eriador
1394: Tar-Súrion becomes King of Númenor
2nd Age - Rings
1574: Tar-Súrion, King of Númenor, dies
1600: Sauron completes the Barad-dûr
1600: Sauron forges the One Ring
1695: Sauron's forces invade Eriador
1699: Sauron overruns Eriador
1701: Sauron driven out of Eriador
1869: Shadow falls on Númenor
2876: Ar-Sakalthôr of Númenor born
Akallab�th/Last Alliance
3033: Ar-Sakalthôr becomes King of Númenor
3102: Ar-Sakalthôr, King of Númenor, dies
3262: Sauron corrupts Ar-Pharazôn and the Númenóreans
3262: Sauron taken as prisoner to Númenor
3267: Sauron persuades Ar-Pharazôn to destroy the White Tree (estimated date)
3268: Sauron builds the Temple in Armenelos for the worship of Melkor (estimated date)
3309: Sauron persuades Ar-Pharazôn to assault Valinor (estimated date)
3319: Sauron falls in the Downfall of Númenor (estimated date)
3320: Sauron returns to Mordor after the Downfall of Númenor
3431: Sauron sends Orcs north to harry the Host of the Alliance
3441: Sauron comes forth for the Last Combat on Orodruin
3441: Sauron falls in the Last Combat on Orodruin
3rd Age - The Kings
0570: Siriondil of Gondor born
0748: Siriondil becomes King of Gondor
0830: Line of Ship-kings of Gondor begins with Tarannon Falastur
0830: Siriondil, King of Gondor, dies
1149: Line of Ship-kings of Gondor ends with Ciryaher Hyarmendacil I
1356: Stoors flee the Angle
1447: Siege of Pelargir follows the Battle of the Crossings of Erui
1601: Settlement of the Shire
1998: Stewardship becomes hereditary in Gondor (estimated date)
3rd Age - The Stewards
2060: Sauron takes shape in Dol Guldur
2460: Sauron returns to Dol Guldur
2463: Sméagol, now called Gollum, corrupted by the One Ring
2480: Sauron populates Moria with evil creatures
2759: Saruman begins to use the Palantír of Orthanc (estimated date)
2759: Saruman invited to Isengard
2851: Saruman begins searching Gladden Fields for the One Ring
2939: Sauron begins searching Gladden Fields for the One Ring
2941: Smaug slain by Bard in the Destruction of Lake-town
2942: Sauron returns in secret to Mordor
2951: Sauron declares himself openly
2951: Sauron rebuilds the Barad-dûr
2953: Saruman allies with the Dunlendings against Rohan
2953: Saruman seizes and fortifies Isengard
2953: Saruman sends agents to the Shire and Bree
2980: Samwise Gamgee born (revised date)
2990: Saruman begins breeding Orcs in Isengard
3000: Saruman ensnared by Sauron via the Palantíri (estimated date)
3001: Saruman sends more spies to the Shire
3001: Sackville-Bagginses show up to inspect Bilbo's will
3017: Saruman opens trade with the Shire (estimated date)
3rd Age - Ring War
3018: Saruman provisions Isengard for war
3018: Sauron's forces attack Osgiliath
3018: Saruman tries to corrupt Gandalf
3018: Saruman closes the Gap of Rohan after Gandalf's escape
3018: Strider offers his services as guide to Frodo
3018: Saruman's ruffians occupy the Shire (estimated date)
3018: Strider drives the Nazgûl from Weathertop
3018: Strider finds signs of Gandalf on Weathertop
3018: Strider tells the tale of Lúthien at Weathertop
3018: Strider attempts to heal Frodo at Weathertop
3018: Strider finds the Morgul-knife of the Witch-king at Weathertop
3019: Sam looks into the Mirror of Galadriel
3019: Saruman's army retreats after Théodred's death in the 1st Battle of the Fords of Isen
3019: Saruman imprisoned in Orthanc
3019: Parley with Saruman in Isengard: Overview
3019: Saruman remains imprisoned under Treebeard's guard after the Parley
3019: Saruman tries to beguile Gandalf in the Parley
3019: Saruman tries to beguile Théoden in the Parley
3019: Sauron's forces from the Morannon invade Anórien
3019: Sauron's forces from the Morannon take Cair Andros
3019: Sauron's forces set out from Minas Morgul for Osgiliath
3019: Sauron's forces blockade the West Road to Minas Tirith
3019: Sauron's forces from Minas Morgul assault Osgiliath in the Siege of Minas Tirith
3019: Shelob traps Frodo and Sam in her lair
3019: Sam attacks Shelob in Cirith Ungol
3019: Sam finds Frodo's body in Cirith Ungol
3019: Sam leaves Frodo's body in Cirith Ungol
3019: Sam removes the One Ring from Frodo's body in Cirith Ungol
3019: Sauron's forces breach the Pelennor Wall in the Siege of Minas Tirith
3019: Shelob pursues Frodo to Cirith Ungol
3019: Sam confronts Shagrat in the Tower of Cirith Ungol
3019: Sam finds Frodo in the Tower of Cirith Ungol
3019: Shagrat escapes the Tower of Cirith Ungol with tokens of Frodo's capture
3019: Siege of Minas Tirith begins
3019: Sam scavenges in the Tower for Orc-gear to wear into Mordor
3019: Sam takes hope from a star over the Ephel Dúath
3019: Sauron's forces defeated in the Battle of the Pelennor
3019: Siege of Minas Tirith broken by the Battle of the Pelennor
3019: Sauron musters his Mordor forces inside the Morannon
3019: Shagrat delivers the tokens of Frodo's capture to Barad-dûr
3019: Sam finds water and glimpses Gollum skulking nearby
3019: Sam finds water along the Road to Barad-dûr
3019: Sam holds a debate with himself
3019: Sam offers to carry the One Ring for Frodo
3019: Sam carries Frodo from the Sammath Naur
3019: Sam carries Frodo up the slopes of Mount Doom
3019: Sam shows mercy to Gollum on the slopes of Mount Doom
3019: Sauron passes at the Destruction of the One Ring
3019: Sauron summons the Nazgûl as Frodo claims the One Ring
3019: Sauron's forces scatter at the Destruction of the One Ring
3019: Sauron's forces trap the Host of the West in the Battle of the Morannon
3019: Saruman arrives in the Shire
3019: Saruman presides over the destruction of the Shire
3019: Saruman attempts to kill Frodo at Bag End
3019: Saruman slain by Gríma Wormtongue at Bag End
3rd Age - Post-Ring War
3019: Sam begins the reforestation of the Shire (estimated date)
3020: Lobelia Sackville-Baggins dies
3020: Samwise Gamgee weds Rose Cotton
3021: Sam returns to Bag End from the Grey Havens
4th Age
0006: Sam becomes Mayor of the Shire
0061: Sam departs from Bag End
0061: Sam gives the Red Book to Elanor (estimated date)
0061: Sam departs over Sea (estimated date)

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