Places in Middle-earth
Type: Mountains, Hills, Promontories
Region: Aman
Meaning: High White Peak
Other Names
Oiolossë 'Ever Snow-white'
Elerrína 'Crowned with Stars'
Amon Uilos (Sindarin)
the Holy Mountain
the White Mountain
the Mountain of Manwë
Arfanyarassë (HoME 11 only).
Location: The tallest mountain in Arda; in the Mountains of Aman, just south of the Calacirya and the hill of Túna; location of the Halls of Manwë and Varda, and also the dwelling place of Ingwë and the Vanyar.
Description: Manwë and Varda are seldom parted, and they remain in Valinor. Their halls are above the everlasting snow, upon Oiolossë, the uttermost tower of Taniquetil, tallest of all the mountains upon Earth.
The Silmarillion, Valaquenta: Of the Valar
But the east shores of Aman were the uttermost end of Belegaer, the Great Sea at the West; and since Melkor was returned to Middle-earth and they could not yet overcome him, the Valar fortified their dwelling, and upon the shores of the sea they raised the Pelóri, the Mountains of Aman, highest upon Earth. And above all the mountains of the Pelóri was that height upon whose summit Manwë set his throne. Taniquetil the Elves name that holy mountain, and Oiolossë Everlasting Whiteness, and Elerrína Crowned with Stars, and many names beside; but the Sindar spoke of it in their later tongue as Amon Uilos.
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 1, Of The Beginning of Days
Moreover Túna beneath Taniquetil was set nigh to the girdle of Arda, and there the Great Sea was immeasurably wide....
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 9, Of the Flight of the Noldor
Finwë was king in Tirion and Olwë in Alqualondë; but Ingwë was ever held the High King of all the Elves. He abode thereafter at the feet of Manwë upon Taniquetil.
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 5, Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië
Therefore Yavanna set times for the flowering and the ripening of all things that grew in Valinor; and at each first gathering of fruits Manwë made a high feast for the praising of Eru, when all the peoples of Valinor poured forth their joy in music and song upon Taniquetil.
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 8, Of The Darkening of Valinor
Varda looked down from Taniquetil, and beheld the Shadow soaring up in sudden towers of gloom; Valmar had foundered in a deep sea of night. Soon the Holy Mountain stood alone, a last island in a world that was drowned.
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 8, Of The Darkening of Valinor
[Ar-Pharazôn's] heart misgave him when he looked upon the soundless shores and saw Taniquetil shining, whiter than snow, colder than death, silent, immutable, terrible as the shadow of the light of Ilúvatar.
The Silmarillion, Akallabêth
Etymology of Taniquetil
tar- 'high' (Quenya tara 'lofty'), prefix of the Quenya names of the Númenórean Kings; also in Annatar. Feminine tari 'she that is high, Queen' in Elentári, Kementári. Cf. tarma 'pillar' in Meneltarma.
nim 'white' (from earlier nimf, nimp) in Nimbrethil, Nimloth, Nimphelos, niphredil (niphred 'pallor'), Barad Nimras, Ered Nimrais. The Quenya form was ninque; thus Ninquelótë=Nimloth. Cf. also Taniquetil.
til 'point, horn' in Taniquetil, Tilion ('the Horned'); also in Celebdil 'Silvertine', one of the Mountains of Moria.
The Silmarillion, Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names
Etymology of Oiolossë
los 'snow' in Oiolossë (Quenya oio 'ever' and losse 'snow, snow-white'); Sindarin loss in Amon Uilos and Aeglos.
The Silmarillion, Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names
Contributors: Lyllyn 8.20.03
added quotes: Elena Tiriel 29Nov05