Places in Middle-earth
Drúwaith Iaur
Type: Kingdoms, Realms, Lands
Region: Other Middle-earth
Meaning: Old Púkel-land
Location: Between the River Isen, the River Lefnui, and bounded by the Adorn on the north. Roughly, it lies between Gondor to the east and Enedwaith to the north with the other two borders being coastline. During the height of Gondor's power it was part of that Kingdom.
Description: The area has a long coastline on the Great Sea and a shorter one on the Bay of Belfalas. It contains the southern and most western portion of the White Mountains. UT describes 'the great promontory between Isen and Lefnui that formed the north arm of the Bay of Belfalas [Ras Morthil or Andrast... '
Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Appendix D, The Port Of Lond Daer
'This region between Isen and Lefnui was the Drúwaith Iaur, and in yet another scrap of writing on this subject it is stated that the word laur "old" in this name does not mean "original" but "former:" '
Unfinished Tales, Part 4, Further Notes on the Drúedain
Contributors: Lyllyn 2.28.03