Places in Middle-earth
Dark Land
Type: Kingdoms, Realms, Lands
Region: Other Arda
Other Names South-Land
Location: East and South of the Hither Lands, separated from them by the East Sea.
Description: "… In this form my father then copied it onto the typescript, with change of Empty Land to Empty Lands. (If this region, called in the first version the Barren Land, is to be related to the Ambarkanta map V (IV. 251) it must be what is there called the Burnt Land of the Sun; perhaps also the Dark Land, which is there shown as a new continent, formed from the southern part of Pelmar or Middle-earth (map IV) after the vast extension of the former inland sea of Ringil at the time of the breaking of Utumno). … "
The Lost Road and Other Writings, HoME Vol 5, Part 1, Ch 2, The Fall of Númenor, section 4, "The further development of the Fall of Númenor"
A reproduction of Map V from The Shaping of Middle-earth is here. On the original map one can see the Dark Land appearing as a very large separate continent, and the smaller Burnt Land of the Sun which appears at the eastern edge of the map.
Contributors: Lyllyn 30Dec04