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Places in Middle-earth


Type: Rivers & Lakes

Region: Beleriand & North

Location: A lake and waterfall beneath Ered Wethrin; the source of the river Narog, whose wellsprings are called Eithel Ivrin.


Fingolfin King of the Noldor made a great feast; and it was held in the spring near to the pools of Ivrin, whence the swift river Narog rose, for there the lands were green and fair at the feet of the Mountains of Shadow that shielded them from the north.

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 13, Of the Return of the Noldor

[The] River Narog rose in the falls of Ivrin in the southern face of Dor-lómin, and flowed some eighty leagues 1 ere he joined Sirion in Nan-tathren....

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 14, Of Beleriand and its Realms

[They] passed westward over Sirion and came at length to Eithel Ivrin, the springs whence Narog rose beneath the Mountains of Shadow. There Gwindor spoke to Túrin, saying: 'Awake, Túrin son of Húrin Thalion! On Ivrin's lake is endless laughter. She is fed from crystal fountains unfailing, and guarded from defilement by Ulmo, Lord of Waters, who wrought her beauty in ancient days.' Then Túrin knelt and drank from that water; and suddenly he cast himself down, and his tears were unloosed at last, and he was healed of his madness....

And now they arose, and departing from Eithel Ivrin they journeyed southward along the banks of Narog, until they were taken by scouts of the Elves and brought as prisoners to the hidden stronghold. Thus did Túrin come to Nargothrond.

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 21, Of Túrin Turambar

Glaurung the Úrulóki passed over Anfauglith, and came thence into the north vales of Sirion and there did great evil. Under the shadows of Ered Wethrin he defiled the Eithel Ivrin....

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 21, Of Túrin Turambar

1A league is approximately three of our miles.

Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Ch 1, The Disaster of the Gladden Fields: Appendix, Númenórean Linear Measures

Contributors: Elena Tiriel 10Dec07

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