Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Character Bios

Lórien (Irmo)

Irmo: Desirer, Master of Desire

Other Names:
one of the Fëanturi

Location(s): Valinor

Race/Species: Ainur

Type/Kind: Vala

Title(s): a Lord of the Valar

Mandos (Námo)

Spouse: Estë

The Fëanturi, masters of spirits, are brethren, and they are called most often Mandos and Lórien. Yet these are rightly the names of the places of their dwelling, and their true names are Námo and Irmo. ...

Irmo the younger is the master of visions and dreams. In Lórien are his gardens in the land of the Valar, and they are the fairest of all places in the world, filled with many spirits. Estë the gentle, healer of hurts and of weariness, is his spouse. ... From the fountains of Irmo and Estë all those who dwell in Valinor draw refreshment; and often the Valar come themselves to Lórien and there find repose and easing of the burden of Arda.

Mightier than Estë is Nienna, sister of the Fëanturi....

The Silmarillion, Valaquenta: Of the Valar

Melian was the name of a Maia who served both Vána and Estë; she dwelt long in Lórien, tending the trees that flower in the gardens of Irmo, ere she came to Middle-earth.

The Silmarillion, Valaquenta: Of the Maiar

But when Míriel languished still, Finwë sought the counsel of Manwë, and Manwë delivered her to the care of Irmo in Lórien.

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 6, Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor

Elena Tiriel 20Nov05

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