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Timeline Event

Huorns arrive at the Battle of the Hornburg

Event Type: Military/Strategic

Age: 3rd Age - Ring War

Date: March 4, 3019


An event in the Battle of the Hornburg; see that entry for an overview:
On they rode, the king and his companions.... Neither orc nor man withstood them. Their backs were to the swords and spears of the Riders and their faces to the valley. They cried and wailed, for fear and great wonder had come upon them with the rising of the day.

So King Théoden... clove his path to the great Dike. There the company halted. Light grew bright about them.... But they sat silent on their horses, and they gazed down upon the Deeping-coomb.

The land had changed. Where before the green dale had lain, its grassy slopes lapping the ever-mounting hills, there now a forest loomed. Great trees, bare and silent, stood, rank on rank, with tangled bough and hoary head; their twisted roots were buried in the long green grass.... Between the Dike and the eaves of that nameless wood only two open furlongs lay. There now cowered the proud hosts of Saruman, in terror of the king and in terror of the trees. They streamed down from Helm's Gate until all above the Dike was empty of them, but below it they were packed like swarming flies. Vainly they crawled and clambered about the walls of the coomb, seeking to escape. Upon the east too sheer and stony was the valley's side; upon the left, from the west, their final doom approached.

The Two Towers, LoTR Book 3, Ch 7, Helm's Deep

Elena Tiriel 11Jan05

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