Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Timeline Event

Muster of the Goblins after the Great Goblin's Death

Event Type: Military/Strategic

Age: 3rd Age - The Stewards

Dates: July 18, 2941 ~ November 2, 2941

This is an event in the prelude to the Battle of the Five Armies; see that event for more details:

Ever since the fall of the Great Goblin of the Misty Mountains the hatred of their race for the dwarves had been rekindled to fury. Messengers had passed to and fro between all their cities, colonies and strongholds; for they resolved now to win the dominion of the North. Tidings they had gathered in secret ways; and in all the mountains there was a forging and an arming. Then they marched and gathered by hill and valley, going ever by tunnel or under dark, until around and beneath the great mountain Gundabad of the North, where was their capital, a vast host was assembled ready to sweep down in time of storm unawares upon the South.

The Hobbit, Ch 17, The Clouds Burst

[Note: the dates are set arbitrarily between when the Great Goblin is Slain by Gandalf and Smaug is slain by Bard in the Destruction of Laketown.]

Elena Tiriel 8.1.04

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