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Things of Middle-earth

Emblem of Eregion

Type: Heraldry

Other Names: emblem of Hollin


A token symbolizing Eregion, which Men call Hollin:
A mile southwards along the shore they came upon holly trees. Stumps and dead boughs were rotting in the shallows, the remains... of a hedge that had once lined the road across the drowned valley. But close under the cliff there stood, still strong and living, two tall trees, larger than any trees of holly that Frodo had ever seen or imagined. Their great roots spread from the wall to the water.... they towered overhead, stiff, dark, and silent... standing like sentinel pillars at the end of the road.

'Well, here we are at last!' said Gandalf. 'Here the Elven-way from Hollin ended. Holly was the token of the people of that land, and they planted it here to mark the end of their domain; for the West-door was made chiefly for their use in their traffic with the Lords of Moria. Those were happier days, when there was still close friendship at times between folk of different race, even between Dwarves and Elves.'

The Fellowship of the Ring, LoTR Book 2, Ch 4, A Journey in the Dark

Elena Tiriel 17Sep04, 19Jul10

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