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Things of Middle-earth

Emblems of Durin

Type: Heraldry


Tokens symbolizing Durin of the Longbeard Dwarves:
The Doors of Durin.
The Doors of Durin at the western entrance to Moria, including the emblems of Durin.
Star, as emblem: ... Seven stars (above a crown and anvil), emblems of Durin... had eight rays;... represented the Plough....

The Lord of the Rings, Index

At the top [of the Doors of Durin]... was an arch of interlacing letters in an Elvish character. Below, though the threads were in places blurred or broken, the outline could be seen of an anvil and a hammer surmounted by a crown with seven stars....

'There are the emblems of Durin!' cried Gimli....

The Fellowship of the Ring, LoTR Book 2, Ch 4, A Journey in the Dark

Elena Tiriel 10Aug04, 19Jul10

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