Welcome to the Henneth Annûn Research Center!
Where to start?
- A-Z Index: This is the quickest way to see what is available in the Library.
- Find your favorite character. There are hundreds of biographies in the system filled with quotes, little known details, and cross-links to other characters.
- Need a place to stay? Go on a virtual tour of Middle-earth starting with your favorite place.
- My Preciouss! The One Ring, and just about everything else in Arda, in one place.
- Pull it all together. There's really no way to describe what you will see in timelines except to try the advanced search. Look up the Military/Strategic events of the Ring War. We dare you.
Featured in Resources
Kings of Gondor
The N��men��rean monarchs of the southern Kingdom in Exile; descendants of Elendil's son, An��rion.
Where are the Stories?
The new home of HASA is available at: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/hasa