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Character Bios

Valandil of Arnor

Meaning: Valar-friend


Race/Species: Man

Type/Kind: Dunadan of the North

3rd King of Arnor (III 10 - 249)

Dates: II 3431 - III 249

Isildur, 2nd King of Arnor and Gondor


Eldacar, 4th King of Arnor


Valandil, youngest of the four sons of Isildur, is the 3rd King of Arnor:
The Northern Line: Heirs of Isildur

Arnor....Isildur 2, Valandil 249, Eldacar 339....

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: The Realms in Exile

3. Valandil   [born] 34301   [lived] 260 [years]   died T.A. 249

The Peoples of Middle-earth, HoME Vol 12, Part 1, Ch 7, The Heirs of Elendil

Gil-galad and Elendil march east to Imladris.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix B, The Tale of Years: The Second Age

34301 The last Alliance is begun. Elendil and Isildur obtain the help of Gil-galad and Elrond and gather great forces. They march east to Imladris. Valandil son of Isildur born in Imladris.

The Peoples of Middle-earth, HoME Vol 12, Part 1, Ch 7, The Heirs of Elendil

Isildur and his three elder sons2 are slain by Orcs in the Gladden Fields. His fourth son Valandil succeeds to Arnor, but being a child remains for a time with Elrond at Imladris.

The Peoples of Middle-earth, HoME Vol 12, Part 1, Ch 7, The Heirs of Elendil

Ohtar Isildur's esquire escapes with two other men only from the slaughter of the Gladden Fields. He brings the shards of Elendil's sword, Narsil, which Isildur had saved, and delivers it to Valandil Isildur's son in Imladris. Valandil was a child, fourth son of Isildur. His brothers perished with their father.

The Peoples of Middle-earth, HoME Vol 12, Part 1, Ch 8, The Tale of Years of the Third Age

In the tenth year of the Third Age Valandil being come to manhood took up the kingship of Arnor and dwelt at Annúminas by Lake Nenuial.

The Peoples of Middle-earth, HoME Vol 12, Part 1, Ch 7, The Heirs of Elendil

   The sign indicates a premature death, in battle or otherwise, though an annal of the event is not always included.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers

1   This text is from one of Tolkien's early drafts. The final Tale of Years lists the date of Elendil's march to Imladris, and presumably therefore Valandil's birth, as 3431. There is nothing to indicate that Isildur went to Imladris before Elendil, so Valandil's birth date was adjusted to match the later, canonical source.

Commentary by Elena Tiriel

2   With Isildur went his three sons, Elendur, Aratan, and Ciryon....

Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Ch 1, The Disaster of the Gladden Fields

Zimraphel 5.14.04
Elena Tiriel 7Nov07

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