Character Bios
Meaning: Rest
Location(s): Valinor
Race/Species: Ainur
Type/Kind: Vala
Title(s): a Queen of the Valar
Spouse: Lórien (Irmo)
Estë the gentle, healer of hurts and of weariness, is [Irmo's] spouse. Grey is her raiment; and rest is her gift. She walks not by day, but sleeps upon an island in the tree-shadowed lake of Lórellin. From the fountains of Irmo and Estë all those who dwell in Valinor draw refreshment; and often the Valar come themselves to Lórien and there find repose and easing of the burden of Arda.
The Silmarillion, Valaquenta: Of the Valar
Melian was the name of a Maia who served both Vána and Estë; she dwelt long in Lórien, tending the trees that flower in the gardens of Irmo, ere she came to Middle-earth.
The Silmarillion, Valaquenta: Of the Maiar
Because of the waywardness of Tilion..., and yet more because of the prayers of Lórien and Estë, who said that sleep and rest had been banished from the Earth, and the stars were hidden, Varda changed her counsel, and allowed a time wherein the world should still have shadow and half-light.
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 11, Of the Sun and Moon and the Hiding of Valinor
Elena Tiriel 20Nov05