Timeline Event
The Long Winter
Event Type: Environment/Disease
Age: 3rd Age - The Stewards
Dates: November 1, 2758 ~ March 31, 2759
"...the Long Winter began with cold and great snows out of the North and the East which lasted for almost five months. Helm of Rohan and both his sons perished in that war; and there was misery and death in Eriador and in Rohan."
RotK, Appendix A, I, iv, Gondor and the Heirs of Anarion, "The Stewards"
"...and Rohan lay under snow for nearly five months (November to March, 2758-9). Both the Rohirrim and their foes suffered grievously in the cold, and in the dearth that lasted longer. In Helm's Deep there was a great hunger after Yule; and being in despair, against the king's counsel, Háma his younger son led men out on a sortie and foray, but they were lost in the snow."
RotK, Appendix A, II, The House of Eorl
" 'And then there was the Shire-folk. I began to have a warm place in my heart for them in the Long Winter, which none of you can remember. They were very hard put to it then: one of the worst pinches they have been in, dying of cold, and starving in the dreadful dearth that followed. But that was the time to see their courage, and their pity one for another. It was by their pity as much as by their tough uncomplaining courage that they survived. I wanted them still to survive.' "
Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Ch III, The Quest of Erebor, Appendix
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