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Timeline Event

Náin slain by Azog in the Battle of Azanulbizar

Event Type: Genealogical

Age: 3rd Age - The Stewards

Date: December 1, 2799

An event in the final battle of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs; see that entry for an overall timeline:

So began the Battle of Azanulbizar ... at the memory of which the Orcs still shudder and the Dwarves weep. ... the battle swayed to and fro with great slaughter, until at last the people of the Iron Hills turned the day. Coming late and fresh to the field the mailed warriors of Náin, Grór's son, drove through the Orcs to the very threshold of Moria, crying 'Azog! Azog!' as they hewed down with their mattocks all who stood in their way.

Then Náin stood before the Gate and cried with a great voice: 'Azog! If you are in come out! Or is the play in the valley too rough?'

Thereupon Azog came forth, and he was a great Orc with a huge iron-clad head, and yet agile and strong. With him came many like him, the fighters of his guard, and as they engaged Náin's company he turned to Náin, and said:

'What? Yet another beggar at my doors? Must I brand you too?' With that he rushed at Náin and they fought. But Náin was half blind with rage, and also very weary with battle, whereas Azog was fresh and fell and full of guile. Soon Náin made a great stroke with all his strength that remained, but Azog darted aside and kicked Náin's leg, so that the mattock splintered on the stone where he had stood, but Náin stumbled forward. Then Azog with a swift swing hewed his neck. His mail-collar withstood the edge, but so heavy was the blow that Náin's neck was broken and he fell.

Then Azog laughed, and he lifted up his head to let forth a great yell of triumph...

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: Durin's Folk

[Note: the date is set to follow the Battle of Azanulbizar.]

Elena Tiriel 17Jul04

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