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Timeline Event

Bolg slain by Beorn in the Battle of Five Armies

Event Type: Genealogical

Age: 3rd Age - The Stewards

Date: November 23, 2941

An event in the Battle of Five Armies; see that entry for more detail:

Thorin drove right against the bodyguards of Bolg. But he could not pierce their ranks. ... Soon the attackers were attacked, and they were forced into a great ring, facing every way, hemmed all about with goblins and wolves returning to the assault. ... Their friends could not help them, for the assault from the Mountain was renewed with redoubled force, and upon either side men and elves were being slowly beaten down.

The Hobbit, Ch 17, The Clouds Burst

In that last hour Beorn himself had appeared.... He came alone, and in bear's shape; and he seemed to have grown almost to giant-size in his wrath.

The roar of his voice was like drums and guns; and he tossed wolves and goblins from his path like straws and feathers. He fell upon their rear, and broke like a clap of thunder through the ring. The dwarves were making a stand still about their lords upon a low rounded hill. Then Beorn stooped and lifted Thorin, who had fallen pierced with spears, and bore him out of the fray.

Swiftly he returned and his wrath was redoubled, so that nothing could withstand him, and no weapon seemed to bite upon him. He scattered the bodyguard, and pulled down Bolg himself and crushed him. Then dismay fell on the Goblins and they fled in all directions.

The Hobbit, Ch 18, The Return Journey

Elena Tiriel 17Jul04

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