Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Timeline Event

Elessar receives embassies (estimated date)

Event Type: Political

Age: 3rd Age - Ring War

Dates: May 3, 3019 ~ May 7, 3019


In the days that followed his crowning the King sat on his throne in the Hall of the Kings and pronounced his judgements. And embassies came from many lands and peoples, from the East and the South, and from the borders of Mirkwood, and from Dunland in the west. And the King pardoned the Easterlings that had given themselves up, and sent them away free, and he made peace with the peoples of Harad; and the slaves of Mordor he released and gave to them all the lands about Lake Núrnen to be their own.

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 6, Ch 5, The Steward and the King

[Dale and Erebor] sent their ambassadors to the crowning of King Elessar; and their realms remained ever after, as long as they lasted, in friendship with Gondor; and they were under the crown and protection of the King of the West.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix B, The Tale of Years: The Third Age

And last of all Aragorn greeted Éomer of Rohan, and they embraced, and Aragorn said: 'Between us there can be no word of giving or taking, nor of reward; for we are brethren. In happy hour did Eorl ride from the North, and never has any league of peoples been more blessed, so that neither has ever failed the other, nor shall fail....'

And Éomer answered: 'Since the day when you rose before me out of the green grass of the Downs I have loved you, and that love shall not fail....'

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 6, Ch 5, The Steward and the King

King Elessar now ruled... [in] all the lands of those realms of old he was king, save in Rohan only; for he renewed to Éomer the gift of Cirion, and Éomer took again the Oath of Eorl.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: The House of Eorl

The date is chosen to lie between the Crowning of King Elessar and the departure of Éomer for Rohan.

Tanaqui 15May05

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