Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Places in Middle-earth


Type: Mountains, Hills, Promontories

Region: Rohan

Other Names the Haunted Mountain

Location: One of three mountains surrounding the refuge of Dunharrow in the White Mountains of Rohan; the Paths of the Dead lies beneath it.


The Firienfeld... laid upon the lap of the great mountains behind: the Starkhorn southwards, and northwards the saw-toothed mass of Írensaga, between which there faced the riders, the grim black wall of the Dwimorberg, the Haunted Mountain rising out of steep slopes of sombre pines. Dividing the upland into two there marched a double line of unshaped standing stones that dwindled into the dusk and vanished in the trees. Those who dared to follow that road came soon to the black Dimholt under Dwimorberg, and the menace of the pillar of stone, and the yawning shadow of the forbidden door.

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 3, The Muster of Rohan

'Twice now, lord, I have heard of the Paths of the Dead,' [Merry] said. 'What are they?'

[Said Théoden,] 'If these old tales speak true that have come down from father to son in the House of Eorl, then the Door under Dwimorberg leads to a secret way that goes beneath the mountain to some forgotten end.'

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 3, The Muster of ohan

Contributors: Elena Tiriel 22Dec04

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