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Places in Middle-earth

Sea of Núrnen

Type: Seas, Oceans, Bays

Region: Mordor/Allies

Other Names Lake Núrnen

Location: In the land of Nurn, in the south-west of Mordor.

Description: The great sea in Mordor, around which much fertile land lay, and was worked by slaves of Sauron.

It is described as "the bitter inland sea of Núrnen" in TTT The Black Gate is Closed. It is fed by 4 rivers which are unnamed, two from the Ephel Dúath and two from the Ered Lithui (Ash Mountains). As it has no outlet to the sea, it loses water only by evaporation, thereby concentrating the dissolved minerals. This should result in a body of water similar to the Dead Sea.
Unfinished Tales, Map - Inside Cover

Contributors: Moriel 6.12.03
Comments on mineral content added by Lyllyn 6.12.03

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