Places in Middle-earth
Type: Kingdoms, Realms, Lands
Region: Bree/The Shire
Other Names
Location: The region of the Shire east of the Brandywine River, to the Old Forest; settled 740 years after the founding of the Shire; see the Buckland entry for further information.
The Shire was divided into four quarters, the Farthings.... Outside the Farthings were the East and West Marches: the Buckland...; and the Westmarch....
The Lord of the Rings, Prologue, Of the Ordering of the Shire
.... The Oldbucks occupy the Buckland.
The Lord of the Rings, Appendix B, The Tale of Years: The Third Age
Lyllyn 25Feb04
Elena Tiriel 30Oct05, 14Mar08