Places in Middle-earth
Type: Rivers & Lakes
Region: Gondor
Other Names
Kiril (HoME only)
Location: A river of Lamedon in Gondor, flowing south from the White Mountains; can be forded at Calembel; a tributary of the Ringló.
They passed Tarlang's Neck and came into Lamedon..., until they came to Calembel upon Ciril, and the sun went down like blood behind Pinnath Gelin away in the West behind them. The township and the fords of Ciril they found deserted, for many men had gone away to war....
The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 2, The Passing of the Grey Company
'One day of light we rode, and then came the day without dawn, and still we rode on [south], and Ciril and Ringló we crossed; and on the third day we came to Linhir above the mouth of Gilrain.'
The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 9, The Last Debate
Elena Tiriel 17Oct06