Places in Middle-earth
Type: Cities, Towns, Settlements
Region: Bree/The Shire
Location: A town along the East Road in the Eastfarthing, east of Frogmorton and north of the Yale.
Drawn by the Ring [Khamûl] goes to Hobbiton which he reaches at evening on Fri. Sep. 23rd. [His companion] keeps an eye on the East Road and Stock Road, lurking probably between the two, just south of Whitfurrows.
From an unpublished manuscript by Tolkien (Marquette MSS 4/2/36)
The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion, by Wayne G Hammond and Christina Scull, Book 1, Ch 3, Three is Company
Whitfurrows (in the Shire). Translate by sense, whit- being the usual shortening of white in personal names (Whitlock) and local names (Whitley). Compare Whitfoot. Similarly Whitwell in the Shire (an actual English place-name). The reference in English place-names is usually to the colour of the soil.
"Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien
From A Tolkien Compass, compiled by Jared Lobdell
Chicago: Open Court Pub Co, June 1975
Contributors: Elena Tiriel 12Jan12