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Things of Middle-earth

Banner of Harad, The

Type: Artifacts

Other Names: The Black Serpent

Description:'More Men going to Mordor,' he said in a low voice. 'Dark faces. We have not seen Men like these before, no, Sméagol has not. They are fierce. They have black eyes, and long black hair, and gold rings in their ears; yes, lots of beautiful gold. And some have red paint on their cheeks, and red cloaks; and their flags are red, and the tips of their spears.... Sméagol thinks they have come out of the South beyond the Great River's end....'

The Two Towers, LoTR Book 4, Ch 3, The Black Gate Is Closed

Out of the gloom ... a small company of horsemen galloped, all that was left of the rearguard. ... Then suddenly there was a tumult of fierce cries. Horsemen of the enemy swept up. The lines of fire became flowing torrents, file upon file of ... wild Southron men with red banners, shouting with harsh tongues, surging up, overtaking the retreat.

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 4, The Siege of Gondor

Southward beyond the road lay the main force of the Haradrim, and there their horsemen were gathered about the standard of their chieftain. And he looked out, and in the growing light he saw the banner of the king, and that it was far ahead of the battle with few men about it. Then he was filled with a red wrath and shouted aloud, and displaying his standard, black serpent upon scarlet, he came against the white horse and the green with great press of men; and the drawing of the scimitars of the Southrons was like a glitter of stars.

Then Théoden was aware of him, and would not wait for his onset, but crying to Snowmane he charged headlong to greet him. Great was the clash of their meeting. ... Right through the press drove Théoden Thengel's son, and his spear was shivered as he threw down their chieftain. Out swept his sword, and he spurred to the standard, hewed staff and bearer; and the black serpent foundered.

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 6, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Contributors: Elena Tiriel 24Jun04

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