Things of Middle-earth
Heirlooms of the Kings of Númenor
Type: Artifacts
The treasured ancient artifacts preserved in the royal house of Númenor:
The King and most of the great chieftains possessed swords as heirlooms of their fathers; and at times they would still give a sword as a gift to their heirs. A new sword was made for the King's Heir to be given to him on the day on which this title was conferred.
Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Ch 1, Description of the Island of Númenor
The King's sword was indeed Aranrúth, the sword of Elu Thingol of Doriath in Beleriand, that had descended to Elros from Elwing his mother. Other heirlooms there were beside: the Ring of Barahir; the great Axe of Tuor, father of Eärendil; and the Bow of Bregor 1 of the House of Bëor. Only the Ring of Barahir father of Beren One-hand survived the Downfall; for it was given by Tar-Elendil to his daughter Silmarien and was preserved in the House of the Lords of Andúnië, of whom the last was Elendil the Faithful who fled from the wrack of Númenor to Middle-earth. [Author's note.]
Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Ch 1, Description of the Island of Númenor: Notes, Note 2
1 Bregor Father of Barahir and Bregolas.
Unfinished Tales, Index
Contributors: Elena Tiriel 5Mar05