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Character Bios

Tarannon Falastur

Location(s): Gondor

Race/Species: Man

Type/Kind: Dunadan of Gondor

12th King of Gondor (III 830 - 913)
1st Ship-King

Dates: III 654 - 913

Parents: Siriondil, 11th King of Gondor

Siblings: Tarciryan

Spouse: Berúthiel


Tarannon Falastur, son of Siriondil, is the 12th King of Gondor:
With Tarannon, the twelfth king, began the line of the Ship-kings, who built navies and extended the sway of Gondor along the coasts west and south of the Mouths of Anduin. To commemorate his victories as Captain of the Hosts, Tarannon took the crown in the name of Falastur 'Lord of the Coasts'.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion

He was the first childless king, and was succeeded by the son of his brother Tarciryan[,] Eärnil I....

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: The Realms in Exile

Queen Berúthiel... was the nefarious, solitary, and loveless wife of Tarannon, twelfth King of Gondor..., who... was the first childless king.... Berúthiel lived in the King's House in Osgiliath, hating the sounds and smells of the sea and the house that Tarannon built below Pelargir 'upon arches whose feet stood deep in the wide waters of Ethir Anduin';... and the gardens of the house in Osgiliath were filled with tormented sculptures beneath cypresses and yews... King Tarannon had her set on a ship alone with her cats and set adrift on the sea before a north wind. The ship was last seen flying past Umbar under a sickle moon....

Unfinished Tales, Part 4, Ch 2, The Istari: Notes, Note 7

Lyllyn 10Jan03
Elena Tiriel 28Oct07

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