Timeline Event
Elros Tar-Minyatur, King of Númenor, dies
Event Type: Genealogical
Age: 2nd Age - Pre-Rings
Year: 0442
Elros Tar-Minyatur, founder and 1st King of Númenor, dies. He is succeeded by his son, Vardamir Nólimon, who immediately relinquishes the reign to Elros' grandson, Tar-Amandil:
Elros Tar-Minyatur... remained unwearied until he was five hundred years old and then laid down his life, in the year 442, having ruled for 410 years.
Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Ch 3, The Line of Elros, Kings of Númenor
Upon the departure of Elros, being then 381 years of age, Vardamir Nólimon did not ascend the throne, but gave the sceptre to his son.
Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Ch 3, The Line of Elros, Kings of Númenor
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